Stay clear of distractions, organize and prioritize your life with 234 non-dated daily pages, and meet your goals! The two-page daily spread sections include; I'm grateful for, affirmations, top priorities, schedule section with time and tasks, to-do list and today is special. Keep track of your goals with 23 non-dated weekly two-page spread that includes; sections for successes, improvements, new skill to acquire, focus on, plans for the week (with about me, work, family and friends, relationship), 5 block sections for projects and 5 lines for goals for the week. Other special features include: three ribbon book marks that are securely imbedded in the binding of the book for marking a day/week/month, an elastic band to mark a spot or enclose the book and a pocket for keeping receipts, notes or other lose important papers. Use the four mindmap pages to draw out different paths and the four vision board pages to drill in your goals and fully involve both sides of your mind.
Non-dated monthly two-page view also includes monthly goals, top priorities, this month's accomplishments and knowledge gained sections with printed monthly indicators to quickly find the date you need.The two-page daily spread sections include I'm grateful for-, affirmations, top priorities, schedule section with time and tasks, to-do list and 'today is special' notes.Keep track of your goals with 23 non-dated weekly two-page spreads that include sections for successes, improvements, new skill to acquire, focus on, plans for the week, five-block sections for projects and five lines for goals for the week.Other special features include three-ribbon book marks for marking a day/week/month, an elastic band to mark a spot or enclose the book and a pocket.Four mindmap pages and the four vision board pages.The planner's hard cover is perfect bound with an embossed suede like finish.Includes productivity and time management tips.
House Of Doolittle